
Our history



Read everything about a codfish with history


Constantinos began operating in 1990 as a natural evolution of the activity its founder - José Constantino - who worked has a wholesale and adquired more than 25 years of extensive knowledge in the codfish market. Later, the company entered other markets importing dry codfish from Norway, Iceland and Russia, from where it also began to import wet salted codfish.

In 1997, Constantinos inaugurated the manufacturing facility of Torres Vedras, built from scratch, to make the transformation of a significant part of the imported codfish. This new manufacturing facility, designed according with all legal requirements for the food industry, still remains at the forefront. It has a covered area of about 7,200 m² and a cold storage capacity of over 2,000 tons. All hygiene criteria, safety and quality control are constantly observed and controlled. In 2006 the comapny inaugurated a second processing plant, of equal size, in Aveiro.

After a strong presence in the demanding portuguese market, this family business chose to start exporting its products to Angola and has currently reached other markets in Europe, Brazil, Australia and the United States.

In 2015, Constantinos celebrates 25 years of existence and remains faithful to its principles, based on the processing of its products on traditional quality standards and focusing on the best raw material, green salted codfish.

Constantinos is a strong brand with high quality, which focus on developing new products in order to maintain the preference of the most demanding consumers of codfish in the world.

Our cod

Captured in the cold clean waters of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the Gadus morhua, the raw material Constantinos’ codfish, is imported directly from the best producers from countries such as Norway and Iceland. Furthermore, it is exclusively from legal catches following the international rules of sustainable fishing.

Because they are wild individuals, caught in the sea, they are free of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). The process of salting and drying preserves all the nutritional characteristics of fresh fish, providing the consumer a high quality product.

The salt used in the process of salting is exclusively virgin sea salt and can be perfectly used in our food.

Mission, Vision and Values





To meet the needs and desires of its customers and consumers (in terms of quality and convenience of the products) through the process of transformation and sale of the best cod in the world.



To be known and recognized for the quality of its products in the domestic market and sustained growth in international markets.



Accuracy, Dedication, Differentiation, Ethics, Food Safety, Passion, Professionalism, Quality, Social and Environmental Responsibility, Tradition.

Certification | Awards

IFS Certification – International Food Standards – since 2014

Kosher Certification since 2013

The Constantinos Dry Salt Codfish was recognized SABOR DO ANO (Taste of the Year) in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

The Constantinos Dry Salted Migas were recognized SABOR DO ANO (TASTE THE YEAR) in 2009 and 2010.

Since 2012 Constantinos obtained, every year, the status of PME Líder (Small and Medium Business Leader) assigned by IAPMEI under the Fincresce Program.

The PME Líder status is granted to companies that contribute to the economy of the country and have better performance and low risk profile.


Sustainability | Social and Environmental 





Constantinos has been developing continued support for institutions such as (Association of Solidarity and Social Action (ASAS) and Association for the Education of Handicapped Children (APECI), both from Torres Vedras. From a total of aproximately 80 institutions supported, Constantinos offers products, logistics and also financial aid to these two institutions. The company also receives every year trainees from APECI and has, for many years, three employees, from the same institution.

Constantinos preferably employs people from the surrounding community. The same goes for the selection of partners. This choice is based on the strong commitment of Constantinos to promoting the local economy and setting people to the local community.



Constantinos codfish comes from legal catches following the international rules of sustainable fishing. The company complies with all import prerequisites of raw materials implemented by the European Union (fish that have been caught under legal fishing quotas).

Constantinos complies with environmental standards and has its own Water Treatment Plant and Water Treatment Plant Waste.

The waste generated by the use of salt is intended to the reuse by the tanning industry.

The remaining waste, cardboard, paper and plastic also are destined for recycling.

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